- #Zetasizer nano series basic guide manual#
- #Zetasizer nano series basic guide software#
- #Zetasizer nano series basic guide windows#
Nano ZS90 (Red badge) ZEN3690 Particle Size and Zeta potential - 90 optics Nano S90 (Green badge) ZEN1590 Particle Size - 90 optics Nano S90 (Red badge) ZEN1690 Particle Size - 90 optics Nano ZS (Green badge) ZEN3500 Particle Size, Molecular weight and Zeta

Nano ZS (Red badge) ZEN3600 Particle Size, Molecular weight and Zeta Nano Z (Green badge) ZEN2500 Zeta potential Nano Z (Red badge) ZEN2600 Zeta potential Nano S (Green badge) ZEN1500 Particle Size and Molecular weight Nano S (Red badge) ZEN1600 Particle Size and Molecular weight
#Zetasizer nano series basic guide manual#
Introduction to this manualThis manual covers the operation and maintenance of the Zetasizer Nano particleanalyser series. Introduction to this manualIntroduction to this manual Part 1 - Operators guidePart 1 - Operators guide Z e t a s i z e r N a n o S e r i e s P a g e 5 Introduction E-1Installing the Zetasizer Nano E-1Changing the computer E-2Installing the Titrator E-2ĬE Declaration of Conformity F-1Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Notice F-2Canadian Regulatory Information F-3Voluntary Control Council for Interference (VCCI) acceptance Introduction C-1Environmental conditions C-1Space required C-2Power requirements C-3Additional services C-3Computer specification C-4Laser Safety C-4MPT-2 Autotitrator services C-5 Specification B-1Chemical compatibility B-2 Introduction 16-1What is Zeta Potential? 16-1Laser Doppler Velocimetry 16-5The M3-PALS technique 16-7Operation of the Zetasizer Nano Z e t a s i z e r N a n o S e r i e s P a g e 3 Introduction 15-1What is Static light scattering? 15-1The Debye plot 15-4 Introduction 14-1What is Dynamic Light Scattering? 14-1Operation of the Zetasizer Nano Introduction 13-1Shape Estimate 13-2Molecular weight Estimate 13-4Debye plot 13-5 Introduction 12-1Overview 12-1Opening a report 12-2Creating a report 12-2Laying out a report 12-2Customising and editing the report 12-4A finished report 12-12Viewing the new report 12-13 Introduction 11-1Exporting results 11-1Creating an export template. Introduction 10-1Measurement file window 10-2 Introduction 9-1Creating an SOP 9-2All SOPs 9-5Size SOPs 9-13Molecular weight SOPs 9-20Zeta potential SOPs 9-26Trend & Protein melting point SOPs 9-32Autotitration SOPs 9-34Extracting an SOP 9-35Modifying an SOP 9-35Distributing an SOP 9-35Solvent Builder 9-36Ĭ O N T E N T S Z e t a s i z e r N a n o S e r i e sĬHAPTER 10 - Measurement file window - Workspace management Introduction 8-1Initial start-up - set up the administrator: 8-2Enabling security 8-3User groups 8-3Users 8-5 Introduction 7-1Cleaning the instrument 7-1Cleaning the Cells 7-2Replacing the system fuse 7-4 Size 6-1- Molecular weight 6-5- Zeta potential 6-6 Introduction 5-1Displaying the results 5-1 Z e t a s i z e r N a n o S e r i e s P a g e 1ĬHAPTER 5 - Records and Reports - Viewing the results Introduction 4-1Quick guide to making a measurement 4-2Powering up the system 4-2Sample preparation 4-3Choosing the correct Cell 4-3Filling the Cell 4-8Inserting the Cell 4-11Making an SOP measurement 4-16Making a manual measurement 4-18The Measurement display 4-18Editing the result 4-25
#Zetasizer nano series basic guide software#
Identifying the Hardware 3-4- Navigating the Software 3-14ĬHAPTER 4 - Making measurements - A tutorial Introduction 3-1How is a Zetasizer measurement performed? 3-1What does the Zetasizer consist of question Introduction 2-1What does the Zetasizer Nano do? 2-1The Zetasizer Nano range 2-1What is Particle Size, Zeta potential and Molecular weight? 2-3ĬHAPTER 3 - How does the Zetasizer Nano work? Introduction to this manual 1-1How to use this manual 1-2Access to the Instrument 1-3Assumed information 1-4Where to get help 1-4 Tygon is a registered trademark of Cole Palmer Instruments Company Limited. Zetasizer, NIBS and M3-PALS are registered trademarks of Malvern instruments.
#Zetasizer nano series basic guide windows#
Windows 2000 and XP are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation. Without the express written permission of Malvern Instruments Ltd. No reproduction or transmission of any part of this publication is allowed Therefore disclaim all liability for any changes, errors or omissions after the date of Guarantee the accuracy of this, or any other document after the date of publication. However,ĭue to Malvern Instruments policy of continual product development we are unable to Malvern Instruments makes every effort to ensure that this document is correct.